I'm really fed up with Banks at the moment (who isn't!); particularly Lloyd's bank. Last Friday Lloyd's refused to accept my power of attorney over my mother's affairs on the basis that they require a doctor's report on my mother's health. The doctor says that his report on the power of attorney document is all Lloyd's need and he's not doing another report. Hence an impasse has resulted and I am unable to get at my mother's money in order to pay for her care. If Lloyds are now trying to be a bit cautious with their money (No: make that our money) haven't they bolted the stable door after the horse has bolted? Funny thing that on the very same Friday Lloyd's refused to accept my powers of access we hear that their shares have gone through floor and they are looking for a bail out. I'm beginning to get a very bad feeling about all this.
However, the good news is that Barclay's have accepted my power of attorney and this means I can transfer all the money to my mother's Barclay's account: except that I've just heard news that Barclay's have gone a little too far with account accessibility - they accidentally left their safe doors unlocked over night; well that at least means I can get at my money easily.... but then so can everyone else.
What I really want is a nice secure mattress to bank under.

However, the good news is that Barclay's have accepted my power of attorney and this means I can transfer all the money to my mother's Barclay's account: except that I've just heard news that Barclay's have gone a little too far with account accessibility - they accidentally left their safe doors unlocked over night; well that at least means I can get at my money easily.... but then so can everyone else.
What I really want is a nice secure mattress to bank under.

Hmmm... These people look like a safe bet.

Poor neddy, he should never have been sold that loan by the Lloyd's call centre.
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